The hit of the UltraSkin Fire has a firmness and elasticity in between the UltraSkin Black and Ivory.
Each piece of leather is inspected and shaved to exact size. All the layers are put through a proprietary treatment and each layer is coupled with proprietary resins so each Ultraskin Layered Cue Tip will give the player the same feel and hit each time.
Soft: This Layered Cue Tip is great for players in games where a tremendous amount of spin is desired.
Medium: This Layered Cue Tip is our most popular. Players achieve almost the same spin and feel on the cue ball as the Soft but without it being exaggerated.
Hard: This layered Cue Tip is for the player that wants to feel the Cue Ball but prefers 90% of the hit and movement to be achieved through just the natural stroke the player has achieved through years of practice.